Chapter 171 Seating Chart

Lucy one Leng, hindsight remembered, Laura had made a bet with Li Heng before.

She gritted her teeth and clenched her fist indignantly. "Isn't it robbing her job and taking her class? Is it necessary to hold a grudge against our family?"

Laura was calm and even had time to calm Lucy's emotions.

"Don't be angry, it's the same for me where to take the exam, just let her toss."


Mrs. Boote found the guidance director. She asked expectantly, "Director, can you help me apply to the principal for a separate classroom?"

When the guidance director saw her thoughts, he refused angrily: "Don't even think about it! Don't treat Laura specially because of your prejudice. You are not qualified to dictate the examination regulations!"

Mrs. Boote couldn't believe that the director of guidance dared get angry with her. She stayed for a moment. "But..."

"No buts!" The guidance director pointed to the door with a straight face. "This matter is not negotiable. Please leave my office!"