Chapter 184 Surgery

Hearing the profound meaning between Qin Mingcheng's words, Mrs. Qin was stunned. She clenched her hand unconsciously, and wait for a while looked at the door of the emergency room.

A doctor just came out of it, carrying a basin of blood, and staggered to the other end of the corridor.

Yes, it's all the same. How can it survive?

Mrs. Qin settled down.

After waiting for a while, a nurse came out of the emergency room, walked to several people, and timidly handed out a piece of paper: "This is a notice of critical illness, please sign it..."

"Ah, oh." Old Mrs. Qin looked worried, picked up her pen and wrote trembling.

Just wrote a surname, and at the other end of the corridor, a group of people came angrily.

"Are you Qin father's family? We're going to transfer Qin father! And you..."

The first person looked at Qin Yichen. "Please come with us, too."

A few people stared at each other, and Qin Mingcheng reacted first. He pretended to be calm and opened his mouth. "Excuse me..."