Chapter 186 Grade 1

When I mentioned this name, it immediately seemed to open the conversation gate, and everyone talked one after another. "Yes, thanks to Laura, I am interested in learning because of her."

"Her lectures are really easy to understand, and you don't have to pay. My parents have always said that I have made a big bargain, let me thank her well..."

"Speaking of which, do you still remember the bet?" One person suddenly said.

"Huh?" The crowd responded for a second.

Then they all looked forward to it. "Even our group of fishermen can do so well, not to mention Laura... hey hey."

They exchanged a look, waiting for the day when the bet will come true.

End of morning reading.

Traditionally, the teacher will announce the results at this time, and all the students can't wait to rush to the bulletin board when the bell rings.

Li Heng went out of the classroom late. When he arrived, the bulletin board was full of people.