Chapter 191 Predicting Things Like God

But in a minute or two, Lily explained all the causes and consequences to Mrs. Wilson.

Finally, she wiped the tears from her eyes and choked, "Mrs. Wilson, why is God so unfair to me? Everyone only likes my sister..."

"Still, don't think so, I like still very much."

Mrs. Wilson touched her head and soothed. "You can rest assured that I will go to the headmaster to deal with this matter later."


Mrs. Boote has just returned from vacation. She yawns and works bored.

The biology teacher in the same group stopped talking: "Speaking of it, Mrs. Boote, do you know the ranking of Class 8 this time?"

Class eight?

After a long vacation, Mrs. Boote's brain was a little rusty. He dragged his memory for a long time before he remembered that he had taught this class before.

She looked indifferent. "I don't know, what's the matter? Is it at the bottom?"

Anyway, it's not her teaching now. It's none of her business.