Chapter 203 Do Well

Seeing that Kimberly seemed to have nothing else to say, Laura left with Lucy in a short time.

Kimberly was excited at the thought of making a fool of Laura in public in a few days, and the rest of the course was somewhat absent-minded

Tu Qiusi saw that Kimberly was not in the state, so he offered to leave and finished the course in a hurry.


At the beginning of the lights, the stars give off colorful lights in the dim night.

Li Heng came out of the bathroom for the fifth time. He stood in front of the mirror and looked at the white and wrinkled skin washed by himself in the mirror. His face was ugly.

Raise your arm and sniff it a few times.

Finally, I can only smell the fragrance of shower gel.

Li Heng look a loose, this just have the mind to put on clothes, go downstairs to prepare for dinner.

When he arrived in the living room, he found suitcases scattered all over the place. He looked puzzled: "Housekeeper, what's going on with this luggage?"