Chapter 206 Nature

After being reprimanded by the boss all morning, the director went out of the office bitterly.

When he turned back and closed the door, the little assistant came up. "Director, what should I do now?"

What should I do? The director also wants to swear, how does he know what to do!

Standing in place and thinking about it for a long time, he said slowly: "You said Shang Yao had a sudden heart attack..."

"But," the little assistant hesitated, "doesn't the company have a routine physical examination every year?"

The director rubbed his hair indiscriminately and was impatient: "Then you say that Shang Yao has been hiding it behind the company's back... In short, fool me with those annoying fans!"


The little assistant looked down at the text message he just received. "The boss asked me to tell you, remember to appease Shangyao's family and find a way to pour dirty water on Chenguang Media."

The director frowned: "I see."
