Chapter 210 Video


Lucy handed out an apple enthusiastically. "I heard that this variety is very sweet. Do you want to try it?"

Shang Yao's eyelashes trembled. These days, the girl's excessive care made him a little uncomfortable. He gave a gentle "well" and took the initiative to take over.

Lucy was thrilled to see Shang Yao bite off the apple.

God, not only can I be in the same room as my idol, but my idol also eats apples handed by himself. It's really, really...

Haven't found a suitable adjective, the sudden ringing of the cell phone cut the silence in the room, and Lucy made a tingle, hurriedly grabbed the cell phone and ran outside the door.

You damn mobile phone, don't disturb Yao's brother to rest!

With his back in the corridor, Lucy put on the phone and whispered, "Hello?" A sentence.

Grandpa Lin's voice came out. "Kohane, is Shang Yao really okay?"

Lucy felt strange and a little proud: "Of course it's okay. With me around, what can Yao's brother do!"