Chapter 218 Out of Control

Through the fierce melody, all the people present seem to be able to see that the protagonist of the story finally ushered in the fateful ending.

A pair of lovers snuggle together, and life and death can't stop each other's love. That kind of emotion has long been detached from time and space, and even if it is understood again after thousands of years, it can't help but make people feel refreshed.

With the sound of "boom", a short and sharp note suddenly rang, and the whole audience was silent.

At this time, silence is better than sound.

I don't know how long it took before applause sounded in twos and threes, accompanied by the absent eyes of everyone, getting denser, more urgent and louder...

Finally, like thunder!


After getting off the stage, Kimberly went backstage to make up her makeup.

Therefore, after wearing makeup, she happily grabbed her agent's wrist and said, "Why is it so noisy in front? Is Laura scolded? Let's go and have a look."