Chapter 230 You Wait

When the students by the window told the story, Laura listened with a smile all the way.

The temperature in her eyes dropped a little, but the smile on her face remained standard: "Thank you for telling me this. Excuse me, I have been to Class 2, can you keep it a secret from Qing Ye for me?"

Looking at her face at close range, the students by the window accidentally discovered that Laura had a good appearance, but the other party didn't like dressing on weekdays, so it wasn't conspicuous.

He blushed. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone."

Turning and leaving the window, Laura's smile disappeared instantly.

She tugged at the corners of her lips.

"I don't know why, but Mrs. Wilson doesn't seem to like him very much."

Why else? Isn't it that Wen Qingye has a good relationship with her, so he is not pleasing to the eye? !

Laura found Mrs. Wilson's residence from the faculty files of the Academic Affairs Office.