Chapter 232 Admission Ticket

Time passed quickly, and a little while later, it was Wen Qingye's college entrance examination.

Outside the examination room, several figures walked side by side, talking and laughing, only Uncle Wen looked nervous: "Qingye, you take a good test, don't think much about the test, just try your best."

He is still worried that the bad mood a few days ago will affect Wen Qingye's performance.

Wen Qingye smiled and relaxed: "Dad, I will."

At this time, Laura reminded him: "Have you brought everything you should bring? Compass, ruler, admission ticket..."

"I brought it all." Wen Qingye said and began to look down and turn over the pencil case, and found it one by one. "Compass, ruler... accurate, admission ticket?!" He looked slightly changed and closed his pencil case. "My admission ticket is gone!"

Laura frowned. "What?"