Chapter 236 Not Accepting Settlement

After the two confronted each other and informed the monitor, Wen Qingye followed Marcus into the car.

Wen Qingye tied up his seat belt. He adjusted his sitting position. When he looked up, he was curious: "Why only you came to pick me up, Sister Sheng?"

Marcus turned his head and backed up. "She booked tickets when you took the college entrance examination and planned to go to Notting University. Now that your college entrance examination is over, she should have been waiting for a flight at the airport by now."

Wen Qingye "oh" and lowered his head. "Just send me to the door of the community."

In the next journey, the two never talked again.


Interrogation room.

"What are you doing?! You are arresting people indiscriminately, I will sue you!" Mrs. Boote struggled desperately with his imprisoned body, but was finally pressed on the chair by two policemen.

"Lany, no offense, we just want to confirm something." The policeman sitting opposite opened a document on the desk.