Chapter 240 On Her Own

After Hu He came to the door again in Laura, he was very happy: "You are here. I have been thinking about how to find you. Your medicine is really divine. I drank it that day, and the quality of sleep that day was much better. It's really divine!"

When Laura saw Hu He full of praise, she smiled and took out a prescription: "This is the prescription for follow-up recuperation. Remember to keep drinking."

Hu Heyi took it excitedly. He pulled out the drawer and handed the interview invitation. "What you want."

Laura didn't look at it, and accepted it with confidence. "Thank you very much."

Hu He didn't want to let her go like this. He enthusiastically said, "Your medical skills are so good, do you want to be a tutor in the medical department of our school? Double bonus!"

When Laura heard the word "double bonus", she was a little moved for a moment, but when she remembered her own situation, she always declined: "Thank you for the kindness of the vice president, but I still can't."