Chapter 250 comes down

"Hmm?" Wen Qingye's question has no head and no tail. Laura raised his eyelids. "Are you asking if this drama is good?"


"Fortunately, just killing time."

Wen Qingye stopped asking, lowered his head and did the problem seriously.

Laura is watching a few dramas and lost in thought. When this drama is finished, what should she chase?

After thinking about it, she sent a message to her secretary: "Send me a copy of the company's latest script."

Opposite seconds back: "Yes."


When Dennis learned that Mrs. Taylor had been detained by the police station when he went out, he came in a hurry.

"Mom, what happened? How could you..."

He asked through a piece of glass.

Mrs. Taylor sipped his lips and told the story briefly, which made Dennis shake his head disapprovingly.

"Mom, you did go too far this time."

Dennis thought for a moment. "This is not the way to go on. I'll call my brother and ask him to hire a lawyer for you."