Chapter 252 Design Drawings

After school, Laura went back to his old house and put down his schoolbag.

Just about to go upstairs and go back to the room to continue to complete his own design drawings, Grandpa Lin stopped her: "Sheng Sheng, come here, Grandpa has something to say to you."

Laura sat down cleverly beside Grandpa Lin and blinked. "What?"

Grandpa Lin stopped talking: "Jingxuan's child seems to really want to make up for you. Otherwise, Grandpa told him another day, your mother's experience in the past years?"

Laura lowered his eyes. "No, it's not necessary."

It is rare to be rejected by his granddaughter, and Grandpa Lin is speechless.

"Well... all right."

Not long after Laura went upstairs, Lily also came to visit Grandpa Lin.

"Grandpa, look what I brought you!" Lily carried a bag of dragon fruit and put it on the coffee table with a smile. "These are all specially picked by me. They are soft and sweet. Grandpa, try them quickly."