Chapter 257 You don't deserve

Of the group, only Dennis was puzzled.

When did his sister, who grew up with him since childhood, learn design, he still doesn't know? !

Just about to ask, the students suddenly launched another wave of praise: "Genes are too powerful. You see, you are still so versatile. Dennis studies well and will engage in scientific research, just like TV dramas..."

Dennis opened his mouth, embarrassed to interrupt, and had to swallow the questions that rushed to his mouth, intending to ask them later.


Design the final venue of the competition.

The comment box was mixed with whispers.

"Even if the star rust plagiarizes, it also leaks the design clothing of the competition in advance, which is really..."

Another person continued: "There is really no professional ethics!"

Others echoed in unison: "Yeah, yeah."

In a word, because Ke Hui's operation was as fierce as a tiger, a group of judges became more and more unhappy with the impression of Star Rust.

At the same time.