Chapter 259 Secret Prayer

Finally, it comes to the last question.

The judges looked at each other and looked at each other for a long time. Finally, the main judge made a noise.

"Miss Lin, for the last time, are you sure you originally created this design?"

As soon as this question came out, the whole audience was quiet for a second.

All eyes fell on Lily, and they couldn't understand why the judges asked such questions.

I saw Lily without blinking, saying word by word, "Yes, I'm sure."

The main judge stared at her until the atmosphere at the scene became a little strange, and then looked away.

"We have no problem. Next."

Seeing this, the host breathed a sigh of relief. Who knows what happened just now? Why did he suddenly feel nervous for Lily? !

The host continued the process in an orderly manner: "Now, let's welcome the next contestant-Chenguang Media!"