Chapter 261 No Tolerance

Seeing that Lily still refused to admit it, the smile on the host's face faded, and he waved and motioned for the backstage to release pictures.

I saw the whole audience dim, and a beam of light hit the big screen, which was a comparison of the design drawings of the two companies.

"The audience present can observe carefully." The host raised his finger to the screen. "The embroidery design at the shoulders of the two clothes is exactly the same. Even the silk drawing at the waist is'very coincidental 'and hit it red-handed..."

The host methodically pointed out the high similarities between the two works. Lily saw that people in the audience began to nod frequently with his introduction, which seemed to agree with each other's words very much.

Lily's lips were bleeding from her own bite. She stared at the screen until her vision was blurred and her eyes were sour.

Why... why did things turn out like this? Since when did the development of things get out of her control?