Chapter 264 Living up to Cultivation

Grandpa Lin clicked into the hot search and began to browse the comment area below eagerly.

I saw that the hot comments at the top were densely packed with a lot of words, all of which were the latest news.

"Listen to me, Lily, this is not the first time. For the first time, she stole Laura's calligraphy. This time, she stole Laura's design drawings. It can only be said that dogs can't change eating shit. Let's never give her another chance!"

"I was shocked. Aren't these two sisters? Why do you want to do this? Isn't this a disgrace to the Lambert family?!"

"Who knows wow, your circle is really chaotic, the city will play, 666!"

Grandpa Lin's eyes cooled down.

He sipped his lips, silently turned off Weibo, and became concerned in his heart.

When Weibo exploded, the forum of Linguang Private Middle School also exploded.

"Grass! I really didn't expect Lily to be such a person! This time I recognized it, I really read the wrong person."