Chapter 266 Seeking Understanding

"Still! Still!" Dennis pursued a few paces, and saw Lily disappear into the corner, and his pace slowed down.

Turned to look at the inside of Class 2, and only got the dodging eyes of Class 2 students.

Dennis sighed in his heart, forgot to ask more questions, and followed Lily to catch up again.

The uneasiness in my heart, after I couldn't find Lily, gradually brewed into worry.

"Mom!" Dennis dialed Mrs. Taylor's phone, and his voice was anxious. "It's still gone, look for it quickly! Wait a minute if something happens to her..."

Mrs. Taylor "hum": "If something goes wrong, let her go to her own devices outside. I don't have such a ignorant daughter!"

Knowing that Mrs. Taylor was just angry, Dennis softened his tone. "Mom, don't say that, just look for it. When she comes home, remember to call me and let me know."

Mrs. Taylor Silence for a moment, but finally relaxed his attitude: "I see."


Dennis finally found Lily in a park.