Chapter 274 Return to China

Curious about Bob, Grandpa Lin pondered for a while: "In fact, I don't know much about Bai Xuanya... but..."

Bob was anxious: "But what?"

"But I know that in the days before her death, she had a very bad life."

Grandpa Lin said more and more depressed: "A woman's family raised her daughter alone, she didn't have enough to eat, and she was reluctant to change a few clothes all the year round. Only mother and daughter can live together..."

Grandpa Lin finished all the things he knew. At last, he sighed and couldn't help but persuade: "Jing Xuan, in fact, that child Sheng Sheng is also a poor man... I know you have a lot of misunderstandings about her. If you can, you should stop targeting Sheng Sheng in the future."

Bob's mood is mixed: "... I know."


On the plane.

Wu Yue is located by the window. She is curious to grab on the window and looks out without blinking.