Chapter 279 Learning God

After listening to Uncle Wen's comfort, Laura's bad feeling grew stronger.

Tea also care not to drink, she suddenly stood up: "No, I can't let go of the heart, I'd better go to school to see it."

Uncle Wen tried to stop her, but opened his lips and finally said nothing: "OK, you go early and return early."

When Laura left the room, crossed the corridor and entered the elevator, she dialed a phone: "Marcus?"

"Well, I am. Is something wrong?" He recognized the eagerness in her voice.

Laura hesitated. "Are you free now?"

Marcus glanced at the laptop on his desk, which was full of half-finished code.

He sat in the office chair and turned around, closing the computer behind him: "Not busy, what's the matter?"

"Oh, that's good." Laura breathed a sigh of relief. "Can you please look after Uncle Wen? I'm afraid something will happen to him."