Chapter 281 Talk

Laura selectively ignored Dennis's words. She looked at Xiao He at a distance, and her lips slowly burst into a cold smile: "You can't say it, the key is to see if you can afford it."

Xiao He didn't expect Laura to be so cruel. As early as the moment she grabbed her neck, his brain was blank, and he even held his breath subconsciously.

-He knew that Laura was not joking, and that if Dennis hadn't come to stop him, she would have strangled him alive!

Xiao He covered his neck with a circle of red marks, his eyes were frightened, and his lips trembled: "I, I..."

Dennis's mouth was dry, but when he saw that Laura still wouldn't listen, he closed his mouth rather helplessly.

Forget it, I can't persuade her, so I should find someone else to persuade me.

Dennis thought of this, and the first thought in his mind was to go to the teacher.

"Sheng sheng, you don't start, wait first..."

Dennis turned quickly and ran to the opposite teacher building.