Chapter 285 Making Accidents

At the end of this morning, Uncle Wen felt that he was going crazy!

I have looked for all kinds of places I can think of, but I can't find the figure I am thinking about!

Near noon, the high sun was blazing, and Uncle Wen looked depressed and returned to his residence.

Before he approached the door, he saw a figure wandering nearby from a distance. Uncle Wen was slightly stunned, and his mind carried away by joy made him rush forward regardless and grabbed each other's shoulders: "Qing Ye!"


The other party turned his head, looked gentle, wore a pair of glasses, and was a strange face.

Uncle Wen retracted his hand in embarrassment: "Sorry, I mistook the wrong person..."

"It doesn't matter," the other party raised glasses and smiled politely. "Are you looking for Wen Qingye? What a coincidence, so am I."

"Yes, I am his father." Uncle Wen's eyes revealed some doubts. "Are you...?"