Chapter 323 Reckless

The resentment in Dennis dialect is so deep that the teaching director's hand, which is constantly operated, gives a slight meal.

The guidance director's eyes were helpless. He turned the computer screen around and pointed at Dennis: "It's not that I didn't give you a chance. This is Laura's monthly exam score last semester. Look at it."

Dennis looked at the scores on the report card and was shocked.

The director continued, "If you don't believe me, I can find out the test paper for you-to put it bluntly, according to your qualifications, there are some places where you are really inferior to Laura..."

Seeing Dennis's face showing some slouches, the guidance director said halfway, he couldn't bear to get up, changed his mouth and comforted him: "However, you are just inferior to her in fighting for competition places, in other aspects..."

"Director, you don't have to say it."

Dennis slowly tightened his fingertips and let them go again.