Chapter 333 Changing Groups

Marcus sent Laura to the camp gate. He asked, "Have you made an appointment with your patient?"

Laura nodded. "Yes, just three days later. This number of days is no more, no less, and it will be too late."

If Marcus realized something, "I remember it."

Say, reluctantly to say goodbye to Laura, he watched her disappear behind the gate, and then turned to leave.


Laura came early. When he arrived at his room, half of the people didn't come.

From the teacher in charge of management, she learned that there were 12 students participating in this training: six of them were direct places, and the other six were selected through layers because of their excellent comprehensive scores.

Near noon, twelve people finally gathered together.

After lunch, the teacher assembled all the students into the hall.

"Ok, class, now we're going to start grouping."