Chapter 336 No Attention

Xiu Yan lifted her chin, pointed to Laura, and said arrogantly, "You! Help me carry my luggage up, and give 1000 yuan to a box."

The suitcases on the car and at the feet are scattered all over the floor, which is almost an irresistible temptation.

Li Yunmeng wanted to help spontaneously, but now she refused.

She cut her hand, curled her lips, and whispered: "It's great to have money. Do you know how to write the word'polite '..."

When the little assistant who just got off the bus heard this sentence, he frowned: "Don't you just move a few boxes, and you won't be exhausted. Why, 1000 yuan is not enough?"

Li Yunmeng was so angry that she stared at him with her hips akimbo and not to be outdone: "What do you mean, think we are going to mistake you? I tell you, it's useless if I don't want to fuck you for one million. I am not her fan. Why should I spoil her!"

"Yunmeng, ignore them."

Laura only felt that dealing with such people was a waste of his time.