Chapter 350 Invitations

Out of KTV, a face of cold wind was blown, and Arthur's brain paralyzed by alcohol finally woke up a few minutes.

"What the hell am I doing..." He covered his flushed face, somewhat annoyed.

Take a taxi and go back to Mu's house.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Ke Ya was still watching TV in the living room. Arthur changed his shoes and shouted: "Mom, haven't you slept yet?"

"Yes, you haven't come back so late and can't sleep." Ke Ya turned off the TV, stood up and took the coat in his hand.

She sniffed the air a few times. "Have you been drinking?"

"Yeah." Arthur untied her cufflinks and planned to take a bath first. "It's not for entertainment."

If it weren't for the profit of being close to Feng's family, he wouldn't eat, drink and have fun with a group of dandies at night.

Ke Ya conveniently trimmed the folds on her coat, and she sighed: "Hard work. When you become the heir, you will find that all this is worth it."