Chapter 352. Something's wrong

"What do we... want?"

Feng Hua repeated Li Yunmeng's words with pondering, and said to a group of frightened men and women shrinking in the corner: "Before I change my mind, I only want Laura to stay, and everyone else can go..."

Halfway through the words, a group of people, like a few people who were amnesty, rushed through the door and slipped away.

Li Yunmeng stamped his feet angrily: "You have no loyalty!"

When a girl passed by her, she took her hand and whispered, "Yunmeng, go quickly. This matter has nothing to do with you..."

Li Yunmeng pulled back her hand. She didn't go too far and "hum": "How can I leave Sheng Sheng alone? She was brought by me!"

Then he ran directly to Laura and poked each other's elbows.

"Sheng Sheng, you don't try to be brave. I'll speak harshly to them later. You should seize the opportunity and leave quickly."

From beginning to end, Laura was very indifferent.