Chapter 369 Unhappy

The faces of the two teachers were unconsciously dignified.

One of them whispered, "If this is true, Elaine is going to meet a strong enemy."

At that time, Laura was still thousands of kilometers away, and two people were worried about her existence.

She answered all the questions in no hurry, turned off her mobile phone, relaxed her body and leaned back in the chair, closing her eyes.

Marcus saw a little burnout in Laura's brow. He quipped, "This seems to be the first time I have seen you study so hard."

Laura opened her eyes when she heard this. She said lazily, "It's not because of the bonus..."

Marcus thought that the first prize in the competition really had 500,000 prizes, and he felt funny in his heart. How come Laura's temper, no matter how many assets she had in her name, wouldn't change?

If it is someone else, Marcus will only think that the other party is greedy and dissatisfied, but once the object is changed to Laura … she will only think she is so cute.