Chapter 373 has been tampered with

Sheng Hongyu said to Mu Feng: "Xiaofeng, you don't have to have too much psychological pressure, and you are anxious to repay the girl's kindness to you. After all, your family has already paid for it..."

In fact, he wanted to say this for a long time, but he only had a chance now.

Mu Feng slowly recovered, and he smiled at Sheng Hongyu: "Well, I know."

Sheng Hongyu touched his head and took out a ticket from his pocket: "You must be lazy after lying in the hospital for so long. This is a ticket for the International Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition. Go and see when you are in good health."

Mu Feng took it with a smile and responded one by one.


Qin family.

On the large dining table, there are three people sitting around Qin, Qin and Qin Mingcheng, with different thoughts.