Chapter 375 Think of Ways

The time of a class passed by in a hurry. Due to an unexpected accident, Zuo Yiliang had to leave the evaluation for the next class.

At the moment when the bell rang, a group of students filed out. Laura stood at the door of the classroom and asked the two people in front of him: "Where did you buy your assembly materials?"

"Just the newly opened equipment store opposite the school." Li Yunmeng said.

Feng Yu added with great annoyance: "If I knew that the quality was so poor, Yunmeng and I would go to the old store around the long way."

Laura was noncommittal. She said, "Why don't you go to dinner first? I'll take a leave of absence and go out later."

The implication is that she will solve this matter.

Yun Li's dream shows some gratitude. "Thank you!"

The three men divided into two directions and dispersed respectively.

"Yeon-yeon, do you know why Professor Zuo just told Laura to take it easy?"