Chapter 377 Leave

"Xiuyan! You are despicable, you little man! How can you be so sinister!"

In the silence of a room, Li Yunmeng was the first to react. She was furious and swearing on the spot.

All the complicated eyes are constantly spinning around in Xiu Yan, whispering everywhere at the moment.

"I didn't expect Xiu Yan to be such a person."

"Knowing people knows their faces and doesn't know their hearts."


"Xiu Yan, do you have anything else to say?" Left to gather his face also pulled down, cold forced to ask.

Xiu Yan's face was pale, shaking her lips, and she looked irrefutable.

Zuo Yilian was extremely disappointed and annoyed. He denounced: "I don't care what your status was before, but you are just a student when you enter the training camp. You put away those shady little tricks for me and don't engage in entertainment!"

See Xiu Yan still don't speak, left to gather only as she is not repentant, tone more and more cold said: "Please pack up tonight, leave here immediately."