Chapter 383 Wills

The words "birth, old age, illness and death" are a major event that cannot be neglected whenever they are mentioned.

Qin old man thought and thought, originally still a little sleepy, but now the spirit.

He got up from the bamboo chair and took out a stack of documents in the bookcase.

This is Qin's will drawn up half a month ago. At present, there seems to be nothing to change, but he has to take it out and have a look. Only by looking at it more can he be practical.

Line by line.

I saw it impressively written: After the death of the man who told me, 15% of the shares of Qin family and Yuxiangfang were transferred to Marcus, and the rest were equally distributed to other younger generations.

Father Qin looked and looked, and after making sure there was nothing to modify, he put the documents back in their original position.

Then, he picked up a photo frame placed on the second floor of the bookshelf.