Mischief Managed

"Ha! Me continuing to be with you is going to be punishment enough for them and for me. As of now, we have another more important discussion! What is this about you and me moving in together to the East wing? Did you lose your speech when Grandma suggested that? How could you agree to this situation of living us together?"

"And why should I not agree? It works perfectly well for me." He scanned her from head to toe before he continued," By putting you within my reach, grandmother has made it easy for me to seduce... I mean convince you to agree to our future marriage. So, why would I look a gift horse in the mouth? Hmm... We'd been progressing so well when you suddenly stopped talking to me..."

"When did I stop talking to you? What are we doing now if not talking?"

"Don't play dumb, Ames. Both of us know that these days we barely have civil discussions while in the past, getting you to be quiet would have been a task."