All About A Dress

Jacqueline Beaufils sipped her wine as she listened to the comments of her agent, feeling pleased. Once again, she was going to be in news with the Prince and that woman.

"Jacqueline, the hairstylist has already shared the picture on her blog. And it really is the dress that you are wearing. Already the people have started to comment and attack the designer."

Jacqueline could feel the gazes of everyone and a low buzz of gossip that spread through the room. Some said that one should not wear white to a wedding because by doing so, one might cast a shadow on the bride's happy day. But... no one could blame her for wearing the same dress as the bride to an engagement. No one could have predicted it after all.

"Stop smiling so much, Lise. Everything needs to go as per the plan. Has the designer sent out an explanation yet?"