Led On A Merry Chase

Noel stared at AJ who was calmly drinking his coffee and groaned," She is avoiding you, you know."

AJ looked up from the news report and raised an eyebrow," Yes. I know."

"Then why are you not doing anything to explain it to her? She had recently started to come to an understanding with you. Instead of trying to scratch your eyes out every time she saw you or kill you with verbal lashes, she was trying to cooperate. And you! Rather than taking the time to clear up everything, you have scared her into hiding. You could've avoided that by only refusing her request to bring her along with you there for the interrogation. Or at least left the torture to me. That way she wouldn't be hiding away as if you were a monster.

"She wanted to come along." answered AJ casually

"Uh huh! And you have decided that going forward you are going to do everything she wants you to do? So next time, she wants you to push her down a mountain, you'll do it?"