
"Ahem Ahem." The queen cleared her throat to get the attention of the two people who were now glaring at each other in her private parlour. 

When the polite sound did not work in getting the attention of either AJ or Amy, Queen Lily placed her spoon on the plate with a slight tinkle and spoke," Amy, sweet child, are you planning to throw coffee at him?" The Queen looked pointedly at the way, Amy's hand was clenched over the handle of the coffee mug and then at the girl's face. It did seem like. 

When Amy failed to answer, the Queen quickly called out," Butler, come here and quickly help King AJ out of his official uniform coat. Coffee stains do not come out easily from what I understand. No point in ruining his dress uniform."

This time both AJ and Amy turned to look at the Queen speechlessly. The queen who had probably never washed a garment in her life was talking about removing coffee stains.