
"Kick her in the stomach. It would be even better if she cannot have an heir in the future."

"No." She curled herself, trying to protect her stomach while the woman continued to kick," You cannot be with him! He belongs ot me!"

"Amy! Amy! Wake up! It's a nightmare! You are caught in a nightmare! Amy, sweetheart wake up!"

Amy's eyes snapped open. Her heart beating fast, she had broken into a cold sweat as she relived those memories.

"Amy, sweetheart drink some water."

It took a few moments for Amy to realise that she was hearing AJ's voice. He was the one who had called her and pulled her out of the nightmare. But AJ wasn't here... Her eyes adjusted to the darkness and she turned her head to look for him. On other nights when she had the nightmare, he would shake her awake. He would try to hug her until she pushed him away, rejecting the comfort he gave her, scared to accept it.