Kill You

For the first time in his life, AJ felt the urge to kill Noel. The man had been the bane of his existence for a long time now, masquerading as his best friend.

When Amy would have stepped out of his arms, AJ pulled her back possessively as he questioned Noel, "Why are you declaring your love for my fiance?"

Noel shook his head, ignoring the threatening voice and spoke," Amy! I won! I won the tournament and now I have to go to county H to compete on an international level. And then I am going to sign up for two other competitions later this year!"

Amy nodded and gave him a thumbs up, "See! I told you it is legit! Now you can go there for your vacation."

"What is going on? And what competition are you entering?" As far as AJ knew, Noel had never been the athletic type. Neither did he play any games online that he would win. So what was this competition that he was so happy about?