The Taste Of Betrayal

"We have looked everywhere. But the two people seemed to have disappeared from the face of the earth! Your Majesty, we have checked the bus stands, the railway stations and even the airports. The only information we have so far is that no one who looks like either Lady Amelia or Princess Emilia has appeared in the last five days." a man reported.

Starting where the first man had stopped, another continued," Our men have been stationed outside all the homes of people who can be considered close to Princess Emilia or Lady Amy. But it is going to be very difficult to find Lady Amy, sir. She has not taken any of her identification documents or credit cards or even her phone. And if she has separated herself from Princess Emilia then it wouldd be akin to trying to find a needle in a haystack. What I do not understand is how can she leave the country without her passport."