
"Do people think that just because we have grown up, we become waterproof? What is so wrong about carrying an umbrella in this dreary weather?" scowled Emilia as she shook out the excess water from her umbrella before placing it aside to dry.

Amy opened one eye to glance at Emilia before pointing out, "It's barely drizzling outside. Of course, if you are going to carry an umbrella in this, people are going to think you are some delicate miss."

"Of course, I am some delicate miss! I am royalty!"

"A royalty who is working in a supermarket?"

"Yes! A royalty who is slaving away in the supermarket and then coming home to cook for her jobless sister! I don't know what I dread more, looking at the sad weather outside or looking at your sad face inside the house. Amy, why are you like this? Has that PJ sandwich been cheating on you? And you found out about it?