
AJ carried Amy inside quickly, worried that she might wake up. She had lost so much weight and become waif thin. The silly arrogant girl. If only she had let him explain, the two of them would not have suffered so much heartache. Sometimes her pride was too big for her.

Placing her gently on the bed, he thought to himself," It wasn't as if he had a right to point fingers at her. After all his own prideful foolishness had also cost them just as much if not more. Moving about, AJ got rid of her shoes and tucked her in before going around and lying next to her and staring at her to his heart's contentment.


Amy woke up after a restful sleep and looked around. The unfamiliar surroundings made her pause before she remembered that she had last been with AJ and she sat up on the bed with a jerk looking around wildly.