Green Hat And All That

As AJ and Amy spent the night in bed, Amy woke up feeling content. Something that she had not felt in a long time. But her first thought after immediately waking up was what she had said last night. She had no idea if AJ had heard her but she knew painfully well that he hadn't said anything. She stared at the door to the bathroom where the shower was running and contemplated.

So, either by some miracle, he hadn't heard her confession or was ignoring it so that she would not feel embarrassed. Her musings were interrupted by the sound of the ringing phone. 

She glanced at the door and called out lazily, "Your phone is ringing."

She heard a muffled sound from the door that resembled something like,' You answer the phone.'

Rolling over, she picked up the phone but her face changed when she saw the name of the caller. Noel. It reminded her of her last conversation with him and her doubts about his identity...