Press conference

To all our viewers who have anxiously awaited the return of Lady Amelia and commented on our social media to not be biased and support the couple, we are right here for the press conference called by the couple. As you know, the interest is high and the entire hall is packed and crowded. The couple is yet to make an entrance though and we can hardly wait.

While many believe that the press conference is in response to the recently leaked audio tapes where the King confessed that he did not love his fiance and this was indeed an arranged marriage. And yet others believe that the press conference might be to announce the parting of ways of the couple and the last month might have been a trial separation.

Which of these is true will be made known in a little while. Until then, let us take you back to our studio where we have a few body language experts joining us to talk about the royal couple.

A few minutes later: