Arriving On the Enemy Territory

Amy and AJ arrived at the Royal Blossom Palace of country J towards the evening. As their convoy made its way into the palace King Adulya and Queen Mako welcomed the couple with open arms exchanging pleasantries. 

Even though the underlying tension in the air made it difficult for Amy to stay still and engage in small talk, she found herself admiring the palace. The Blossom Palace had been rebuilt with a modern-day take on traditional architecture.

The wide corridors highlighted the exquisite works of art, handcrafted ceramic tiles in various shades of blue with intricate gold detailing, and walls adorned with ancient silk scrolls said to be hundreds of years old. As the two men walked ahead, Amy found herself stopping to stare at the many paintings. There was something familiar in the paintings though she could not point out what...

Queen Mako stopped when she noticed that Amy's attention had been riveted on the paintings and commented," Beautiful, isn't it?"