Media Furore

Amy looked down at the media reports and sighed. She should have known that Tia would one day return. Her old friend had always been the vindictive and vengeful kind of a person. 

Her assistant frowned and said," Amy, I don't think we should go to the hospital today. The media furore..."

"I am not going to let any news piece dictate my daily schedule. The children are waiting because I promised them. As for the media, we have competent security agents who know how to handle any rowdy people."

"But the King needs to be made aware of this news piece. He has been busy with the Cabinet ministers and does not know..."

"Your King can control the nation but even he cannot stop me so stop hesitating so much and let the security know that we are going out."

With a resigned sigh, the assistant nodded, "I'll ask the security to clear the grounds and we can use the back door..."