A Pleasant Conversation

Amelia folded her knees behind her as she stared blankly at the dark curtains. The only sound in the room was the slight tinkling of the bell on her anklet with which her finger was absently playing. It seemed that the satellite phone was also not working.

As she worried about getting the news to him, Clive entered the room with a cup of instant noodles. Placing one in front of her he said," I've asked the guards at the gates to bring us a phone as soon as possible. Also, please stop worrying, Lady Amelia. King Aiden would have been informed of your safety by now. Please eat something. If something were to happen to you due to starvation, I am not sure King Aiden would forgive me."

Amy grabbed the cup of noodles and quietly ate the noodles while Clive tried hard to think of something to start the conversation," Lady Amelia, do you have any interests or hobbies?"