Forever Together

"I am looking for the key..." As Amy's hands wandered into AJ's pants pockets while he was desperately trying to support her.

"Amy! Sweetheart, you are not drunk. So, why are we doing this?"

As Amy's hands found something in the trousers which was not the key, Amy looked up mischievously and wagged her brows, "I just think this is more interesting. If I was drunk, I would not have found this interesting thing. What is this that you have here, AJ? Is it a special gift for me?"

AJ laughed at his incorrigible wife and caught her hand before she could create more menace as he growled," It's always for you. But we need to go inside the room first."

"But if something belongs to me, I want access to it," Amy growled, not willing to take her hands out of his trousers.

Catching her wrist, AJ held her hands behind her back and pushed her against the door, "You always have access, alright! We are married. Let's just get in the room."