Keep My Distance

Soon, Lionel returned with a pack of frozen corn and once again steamrolled over anything that she could have said. Catching her ankle in his hand, he iced her foot as he said," Ma'am. I don't think you should be doing this alone. What if I had already left and then something like this had happened? Anyway, you need to rest. Can you walk or should I carry you?"

Even as he said this, Lionel moved to pick her up. Emilia raised her hands and leaned back in alarm. The slight gesture made the man realise that he had come on too strong and he hurriedly stepped back and apologized. " I apologize. My instinct took over. Are you alright?"

Emilia smiled at the man's genuine apology and nodded her head, "I am fine. I guess I am going to need help after all. So please do ask anyone who is available to help."

"Well, I am at your service then, ma'am. Are you sure that you are alright?"