A Secret

"The stars have aligned in this foreign land. Secrets whispering, awaiting a hand. Time is of the essence. Unseen watchers linger by, keen and awaiting on the sly. Navigating the path with utmost care for curious eyes are everywhere. Await a word, my friend, caution and prudence are our eternal friends."

AJ read the message he had received and leaned back with his eyes closed and brows furrowed. It seemed that they had indeed been right about their doubts.

Taking the note from his hand, Amy read it loudly and questioned," They couldn't have made the message easier to decipher? How is it that all the communication in Valleys is being monitored and yet, you were able to receive this? I mean this one is clearly asking for help but also telling us that we can wait for the time being. Also, I need to know about Emilia, not about the 'foreign land'."